by David Saef With summer in full swing, state fairs and music festivals in full force, and many of us heading to the beach, the woods, or the mountains with a good book or Pokemon Go, it is easy to check out mentally. Yet this is the most important time of the year! Why? First, you have […]
by Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Senior Research Director, CEIR Ok, I’m putting my stake in the ground, I’m saying it: face-to-face marketing is alive and well. CEIR research does not find cracks in the power of face-to-face marketing. If anything, the rise of digital has offered tremendous opportunity for face-to-face marketing settings, trade shows in particular, […]
by Jessica Finnerty In this day and age, most everything in our lives is “experience driven.” We live in a world where everything is tailored and personalized to appeal to our specific interests. This is especially true in the trade show universe. With technology providing more and more options that negate the necessity for face-to-face interaction, […]
by Toni Corvi Piela Should an event owner “always be ready for a sale?” If so, what does that entail? When the Reed Exhibitions’ corporate development team engages with event organizers about a potential acquisition, it’s always interesting to see how wide eyed some get (and understandably so) when the due diligence process is explained. […]
by Trisha Richards Meetings are to exhibitions as cheeses are to wines: complementary stimuli that enhance the participant experience. With countless exhibitions incorporating education and entertainment as part of the proceedings, exhibition organizers must also consider meeting venues as auxiliary spaces in which to hold supporting events. Convention centers, of course, offer plenty of meeting rooms, as do adjacent hotels. But these don’t always […]
by Elizabeth Johnson Facebook now has 2 billion users, which means it’s a pretty powerful tool for event marketers. In recent weeks Facebook has been busy making changes to a number of areas that affect organizations using its business functions—as many as 12 in June alone, by some accounts. Here’s a look at two of those […]
by Denzil Rankine Every day I speak to event organizers about what they need to do to grow and evolve and how they can achieve measurable returns on their investments. So, I put together a white paper, How to Structure the Events Organizer of the Future. Essentially, it’s a survival checklist that I believe all organizers should follow. Why? […]
by Michael Hart The shopping center industry is the latest disrupted business model that events can learn from. According to a research report from Credit Suisse, 25 percent of today’s malls will close by 2020. What makes us think 25 percent of our shows won’t exist in their present form in three years? The fall […]
by Scott Schenker The relationship we have with our cars is the stuff of legend. In fact, Sir William Lyons, one of the founders of Jaguar Cars, said, “The car is the closest thing we will ever create to something alive.” While I can’t imagine how Sir Lyons would feel about today’s technology, I know many […]
by Don Peppers As a business author and professional speaker “living mouth to hand” (as Winston Churchill once described the speaking circuit), over the last 20 years I’ve made presentations in 63 different countries. Which means I have personally had a ring-side, up-close view of literally hundreds of conventions, conferences, and single-company events–big and small, […]