where events are going

Author: CEIR Blog

By Allen Shaw, Ph.D. Chief Economist for Global Economic Consulting Associates, Inc. and CEIR Economist The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) has been tracking and analyzing data since the exhibition industry began feeling the impact of COVID-19 in January. The data is as fluid as the situation’s progress. However, CEIR is able to provide […]

By Michael Pinchera A SPECIAL SECTION BROUGHT TO YOU BY MEETING PROFESSIONALS INTERNATIONAL The American Physical Society (APS) cancelled its March Denver meeting due to novel coronavirus concerns—36 hours before the first sessions were to begin. The group explained this was done “out of an abundance of caution and in line with the public health […]

By Molly Marsh, CMP A SPECIAL SECTION BROUGHT TO YOU BY MEETING PROFESSIONALS INTERNATIONAL For many in the industry, “Experience Design” has become synonymous with big, extravagant productions, AI and tech-enabled engagement, and hyper-customized environments built for the “wow” effect. There’s certainly no arguing that walking into an indoor castle built from ice, illuminated by projected snowflakes, […]

By Jessie States A SPECIAL SECTION BROUGHT TO YOU BY MEETING PROFESSIONALS INTERNATIONAL Crowd management is a critical function of your safety and security event planning, and it is important to study flow patterns in and around your venues to identify manageable methods to prevent over-crowding at any location. Analyze your attendee arrival times, how they […]

How are sponsorships and dating alike? Read the latest CEIR blog brought to you by MPI on how to attract sponsors to your event.

By Magda Klimczyk A SPECIAL SECTION BROUGHT TO YOU BY MEETING PROFESSIONALS INTERNATIONAL   This article was originally published by THINK MICE. The meetings industry brings to mind advanced technological solutions. Today their application in the production of all types of events seems to be essential. Interactive, engaging and unforgettable experiences are intended to generate not […]

By Maria Lenhart A SPECIAL SECTION BROUGHT TO YOU BY MEETING PROFESSIONALS INTERNATIONAL With the travel industry reeling from the effects of the coronavirus, which the World Health Organization has deemed a global health emergency, how concerned should meeting professionals be about its implications for upcoming events? As of Feb. 2, there are more than […]

By Paula Blomster A SPECIAL SECTION BROUGHT TO YOU BY MEETING PROFESSIONALS INTERNATIONAL This new decade started with very disturbing pictures of burnt koalas and headlines of their ”imminent extinction.” Climate change has played a role in this catastrophic and unprecedented early fire season, and the meeting industry can take the lead in tackling this […]

By Cathy Breden, CMP, CAE, CEM CEIR CEO The Harris Poll’s John Gerzema, who is the CEO of Harris Insights and Analytics, spoke at last year’s CEIR Predict Conference. His session, Trends Shaping Our Future, was the highest-rated session of the conference. Monitoring trends and being proactive in questioning how emerging trends might impact exhibitions […]

Can your signage beat this? Find out how you can optimize your digital signage game from this piece brought to you by MPI