by Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Senior Research Director, CEIR Ok, I’m putting my stake in the ground, I’m saying it: face-to-face marketing is alive and well. CEIR research does not find cracks in the power of face-to-face marketing. If anything, the rise of digital has offered tremendous opportunity for face-to-face marketing settings, trade shows in particular, […]
by Michael Hart You had to figure it was going to end sooner or later: After 25 consecutive quarters, tradeshow industry performance experienced a decline at the end of 2016, according to the most recent CEIR quarterly report. The year-over-year decline was a modest 0.4 percent in the fourth quarter of 2016. The decline in […]
By Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Research Director, CEIR When it comes to business-to-business exhibitions, many organizers place close attention to the exhibitor side of the equation, and for good reason. It is often the primary revenue generator for an event. Though in order to maintain and grow an exhibitor base, maintaining and growing a quality attendee […]
By Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Research Director In a previous post, I provided an overview of research completed in 2015, now let me share research plans for this year, which by all accounts is aggressive! CEIR strives to conduct research in a broad range of areas to help industry stakeholders – exhibition organizers, exhibitors, attendees, destinations, […]
By Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Research Director, CEIR CEIR Predict was a phenomenal event this year. Presenters challenged attendees to push the boundaries of how they think about their events, what goals they should strive to achieve, and what this means about how the trade show model needs to evolve. Commentary spanned from real world examples […]
Reprinted with permission from CAEM October Communique Article Written by Jeff Tanner, Ph.D., Dean of the Strome College of Business, Old Dominion University Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Research Director at the Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) Take a deep breath. Relax. Ignore all the hype. You don’t have to have BIG data to make data-driven […]