where events are going

Author: CEIR Blog

How does the exhibitions and events industry benefit from CEIR research? Watch this video produced by CNTV on what your peers are saying.
CEIR is highlighting our dedicated members of the Research Council. Read the CEIR Research Council Spotlight on Toby Purdy of The Expo Group
Digi-transa-data-accela-formation…big fancy buzzword, but what does it mean? Brian Scott of ClearTone Consulting shares what this buzz word is all about and what it means for the exhibitions and events industry.
Read the Trade Show Executive write-up over the recently held CEIR webinar "Data Insights from Virtual Platforms -Virtual Expo! Expo! Case Study"
CEIR VP of Research, Nancy Drapeau, PRC shares how B2B exhibitions can help the supply chain challenges we are facing.
An insightful interview with CEIR CEO Cathy Breden, CMP, CAE, CEM and Evolio Marketing President Joe Federbush as they discuss the research presented at HCEA Annual Meeting.
#CEIRPredict will be held in-person at the MGM National Harbor on 13-14 September 2021. Read what you can expect at Predict this year.
CEIR's VP of Research Nancy Drapeau, PRC was featured on the Top 10 Takeaways of Season 1 of In Case Of An Event podcast, where she discussed trends uncovered from the Global Virtual Event Trends research series.